Quick Start

Table of Contents

Guide 1: Deploying to local environment (built-in Kestrel)
Preparing a local development environment
Verifying the example sales app
Minimal efforts: Deploying the sample PowerServer project
Adjusting the sample PowerServer project according to your environment
Deploying the PowerServer project
Running the installable cloud application
Full experience: Creating and deploying a new PowerServer project
Creating the PowerServer project
Deploying the PowerServer project
Running the installable cloud application
Guide 2: Deploying to local IIS
Setting up the local IIS server
Installing IIS in Windows
Installing ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle
Configuring and deploying the PowerServer project
Configuring the server profile
Deploying the project
(Optional) Verifying the Web APIs
Running the installable cloud application
Guide 3: Deploying to remote IIS
Setting up a remote IIS server
Installing IIS in Windows Server
Configuring IIS
Installing Web Deploy
Installing ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle
Configuring and deploying the PowerServer project
Configuring the database connection
Configuring the server profile
Importing the production license
Deploying the project
(Optional) Verifying the Web APIs
Running the installable cloud application
Guide 4: Deploying multiple apps to one site
Creating an IIS web site
Configuring and deploying the PowerServer project
Converting the Web APIs to IIS sub-app
Verifying the Web APIs
Configuring the Web API URL
Guide 5: Deploying the client app separately
Deploying the client app separately