DBParm differences

Due to the architectural difference between the installable cloud app and the PowerBuilder native C/S app, not all of the DBParm properties are supported by PowerServer; and some DBParm properties are designed exclusively for use in PowerServer.

#1: DBParm properties that are not mentioned in this section are NOT supported by PowerServer

#2: DBParm properties exclusively for PowerServer

  • CacheName -- Specifies the database connection cache to be used by the installable cloud app.

  • CacheGroup -- Specifies the cache group to be used by the installable cloud app.

  • ProcedureInTransaction -- Specifies whether to start the transaction when executing a stored procedure for the installable cloud app. The default value is 1 (Start the transaction).

  • LongConnection -- Enables the installable cloud app to have the same long running database connection as the PowerBuilder native C/S app. For more, refer to DB connection.

  • Driver -- Enables the installable cloud app to use the Transaction object properties (instead of the cache in PowerServer) to connect with the database through the ODBC driver in PowerServer. This property supports only two values: Ase, and SqlAnywhere.

#3: DBParm properties supported by PowerServer

The following DBParm properties are supported in PowerServer:

  • Encrypt (SQL Server only)

  • TrustedConnection (SQL Server only)

  • TrustServerCertificate (SQL Server only)

The following DBParm properties are supported, but with different default values in PowerServer:

  • DelimitIdentifier

    SQL Anywhere: Default DelimitIdentifier='Yes'

    Other databases: Default DelimitIdentifier='No'

  • DisableBind (static DW retrieve)

    Default DisableBind=0

    For more DisableBind differences, refer to this section.

  • TrimSpaces

    ASE: Default TrimSpaces=1

    Other databases: Default TrimSpaces=0

  • TimeStamp (Oracle only)

    Oracle: Default TimeStamp=1

  • NCharBind (Oracle and SQL Server only)

    Oracle: NCharBind = 0

    SQL Server: NcharBind = 1

    Note that in the case of the DataWindow UPDATE statement, NCharBind always takes effect in PowerServer ignoring the value of DisableBind (Unlike PowerBuilder, for NCharBind to take effect, the DisableBind parameter must be set to 0).

    Note that if you encounter the query performance issue when including an N prefix for CHAR or VARCHAR type columns and the use of indexes, you can resolve the performance issue by setting NCharBind = 0 to prevent including the N prefix.