The following modifications are made to the PowerServer project created in the Quick Start guide. If you have not created a PowerServer project yet, please follow the instructions in the Quick Start guide to create one.
Step 1: Package the installable cloud app as a folder.
Go to the PowerServer project painter > Deploy page > Basic tab.
Select External as the target run mode, and then select Folder as the target server.
Select Folder to generate the package as a folder.
Specify how to package the PowerServer Web APIs.
Framework-dependent or Self-contained -- A Self-Contained package will not only include the app assembly files and its dependencies, but also include the .NET Core runtime and libraries. Users can run it on a machine that has no .NET Core runtime installed. A Framework-Dependent package will only include the app assembly files and its dependencies. Users have to install the .NET Core runtime in order to run the app.
Portable, Windows 64-bit, Linux 64-bit, or Windows 32-bit -- The target platform that the Web APIs is published for. If you know the architecture of the target server, you can select the corresponding platform; if you are not sure of the server architecture, you can select Portable. But if you select Portable, you can only select Framework-dependent (which means the package will not contain the .NET Core runtime).
Web API site URL -- If you know where the Web APIs will be running, you can specify the URL here; if you are not sure where the Web APIs will be running, you can leave this field empty and specify the URL later in apprun.json.
Step 2: Configure the database connection.
On the Database page > Advanced tab of the PowerServer project painter, click the New button in the upper part.
In the Database Configuration dialog, configure the database connection settings (connecting with the PBDemo PostgreSQL database that is installed in Setting up the database server).
Select the option "I have read and agree to the license ..." in the Database driver group.
If the following errors occur when testing the connection, try the following solutions:
"Exception while connecting"
Solution: make sure the firewall on the database server has been configured to allow the database port 5432 (detailed instructions).
"28000: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres", database "postgres", SSL off"
Solution: edit the %PostgreSQL%\12\data\pg_hba.conf file to allow remote connections (detailed instructions).
Select the database cache you created just now and map it to the "sqlca" transaction object.
Step 3: Save the PowerServer project settings.
Step 4: Build and deploy the PowerServer project (using the "Build & Deploy Project" option) for the changes to take effect.
When the build & deploy process completes successfully, the package should be generated in the output path.