Modifying the Web API URL

You must modify the Web API URL to point to the Apache reverse proxy server.

Step 1: Go to the [appname] folder (for example, "salesdemo_cloud") on the web server and open the apprun.json file in a text editor.

The web server and the Apache reverse proxy server can reside in the same or different machine. If the web server is an Apache HTTP server, it can be the same or different server instance with the Apache reverse proxy server.

Step 2: Set the value of Web API URL to the URL of the Apache reverse proxy server, for example, It is highly recommended that you specify an HTTPS URL for the production environment.

All requests for PowerServer Web APIs will be first made to the reverse proxy server (in this example, and then redirected by the reverse proxy server to the PowerServer Web APIs running on Kestrel server (in this example,