Using your own TLS certificates in AKS

You can generate your own certificates, and create a Kubernetes secret for use with the ingress route.

For testing purpose, you can generate a self-signed certificate with openssl. For production use, you should request a trusted, signed certificate through a provider or your own certificate authority (CA).

In this guide, we assume that you have already generated a TLS certificate and a private key.

Now, you will generate a Kubernetes TLS secret using the TLS certificate and the private key.

Creating Kubernetes secret for the TLS certificate

To allow Kubernetes to use the TLS certificate and private key for the ingress controller, you create and use a Secret.

The secret is defined once, and will be referenced later when you define ingress routes.

Step 1: Copy the certificate and the private key to the local publish directory, for example, C:\cloudappdemo\publish.

Step 2: Create a secret. For example, the following command creates a secret named

kubectl create secret tls \
          --key server.key \
          --cert server_appeon.com_ssl.cer

(Optional) Adding the default certificate

You can also add a default certificate, so that it displays no matter when the IP address or domain name is accessed.

Step 1: Edit the Nginx-Ingress deployment configuration file. For example,

kubectl edit deployment nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller -o yaml -n ingress-basic-pscloudapp

Step 2: Add the following parameter to the configuration.

- --default-ssl-certificate=default/