
This guide takes PostgreSQL database as an example. You can also install other databases by following the documentation from the vendor.

In this guide, we will set up a database server with the PBDemo PostgreSQL database running in an independent machine.

Step 1: Set up the database server with the following OS and software:

  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)

  • PostgreSQL 12

    Click here to download the installer for PostgreSQL.

    During installation, specify and write down the following information (they will be used when deploying the PowerServer project):

    Data Directory: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\data by default

    Database Superuser: postgres by default

    Password for Database Superuser: (this password is set during installation) postgres in this guide

    Port Number: 5432 by default

Step 2: Configure Windows Defender Firewall on the database server to allow the database server port (5432 in this guide or any port number you choose). The section "Configuring Windows Defender Firewall" has detailed instructions.