Configuring Apache to be case-insensitive

As PowerBuilder is designed to be case-insensitive and always uses lower cases to access the deployed folders/files, therefore, in a case-sensitive file system like Linux, folder/file names (such as theme files, images etc.) containing upper cases may not be found or loaded. To avoid such issues, you should always use lower cases in folder/file names for your application, or add the following configuration to Apache in Linux to ignore the case:

  1. Go to the /etc/httpd/conf folder, and open httpd.conf in a text editor.

  2. Search "loadmodule" and add the following lines.

    Pay special attention to the words "speling_module" and "mod_speling" (not spelling).

    LoadModule speling_module modules/
    CheckSpelling on

  3. Check if any syntax error in httpd.conf.

    $ sudo apachectl configtest
  4. Restart Apache.

    $ sudo systemctl restart httpd

    If Apache failed to start, go to the /var/log/httpd folder and view the error_log.log and access_log.log files to read the detailed error information.