This is to create a Docker container image that contains the PowerServer Web APIs.
This guide will show you how to build and publish the PowerServer Web APIs as a Docker container image in the SnapDevelop IDE.
Step 1: Open the PowerServer C# solution in SnapDevelop.
Click the Open C# Solution in SnapDevelop button in the toolbar to launch the PowerServer C# solution in SnapDevelop. Or go to the location where the PowerServer C# solution is generated (%username%\source\repos by default); and double click PowerServer_[appname].sln to launch the solution in SnapDevelop.
Step 2: Add docker support to the ServerAPIs project.
In the Solution Explorer, right click on the ServerAPIs project node, and select Add > Docker Support.
In the Add Dockerfile dialog, select the target OS: Linux or Windows, and click OK. The target OS indicates the platform where the docker container will run.
A file named Dockerfile is automatically created according to the selected OS and added under the ServerAPIs project. This file contains all the commands required for building a docker image appropriate for the selected OS.
Step 3: In the Solution Explorer, select the ServerAPIs project, and then select menu Build > Publish ServerAPIs.
Step 4: In the window that appears, select Docker, and then click Start to configure for publish.
Keep Publish to Personal Repository checked if you are connecting to your own repository. If the repository is owned by an organization, clear the checkbox, and enter the organization name.
In the Engine field, select localhost.
In the Registry field, specify to store the container image in the local repository.
In the Image Name field, enter a name for the container image you want to create.
In the Tag field, enter a tag, for example, enter 001 to indicate the image version.
Click Finish to start building the project as an image and publishing the image to the specified Docker Engine and docker registry.
Step 5: Check the Docker Output window and make sure the publish is successful.