SelectBlob/UpdateBlob supports UTF8 only

SelectBlob and UpdateBlob in PowerServer can only handle the value with UTF8 character encoding (EncodingUTF8!).

When UpdateBlob updates a UTF8 value in PowerServer, or when UpdateBlob updates a UTF16LE value in PowerBuilder, SelectBlob in PowerServer can correctly display the value using the UTF8 or ANSI encoding while SelectBlob in PowerBuilder can correctly display the value using the default UTF16LE encoding.

You can write scripts below to minimize the impact of this discrepancy:

if ispowerserverapp () = true then

        Lblob = Blob("Any Text", EncodingUTF8!)
        Updateblob caseresfile  set filestring = :lblob  where filename = :as_filename;
        SELECTBLOB filestring into :lblob  from caseresfile where filename = :as_filename;
        ls_return = String(lblob, encodingutf8!)

        Lblob = Blob("Any Text")
        Updateblob caseresfile  set filestring = :lblob  where filename = :as_filename;
        SELECTBLOB filestring into :lblob  from caseresfile where filename = :as_filename;
        ls_return = String(lblob)
end if