Installable cloud app

Table of Contents

Installable cloud app
Config & deploy
Compilation concepts
Create the PowerServer project
Configure the PowerServer project
Configure a server for deployment
Configure the Web API settings
Import and deploy license
Configure the database connection
Analyze the unsupported features
Build the PowerServer project
Upgrade the PowerServer project
Walkthrough: Deploying your PowerServer project to remote servers
Walkthrough: Applying a production license to an existing PowerServer project
Run & manage
Client app & apprun.json
Configure the Web API URL
Run the installable cloud application
Change the deployed app using commands
Customize the app shortcut
Customize the app entry page
Manage app versions/updates
Support cookie validation
Undeploy the client app
Uninstall the client app
Package & distribute
Package the installable cloud app
Install the installable cloud app
Tutorial for ISVs: Packaging & distributing the installable cloud app
Cloud app launcher
PowerServer Web APIs
PowerServer C# solution
What settings will be deployed to the C# solution
What settings can be modified in the C# solution
PowerServer Web APIs
PowerServer NuGet packages
Built-in Kestrel
PowerServer in IIS
Auth server
Run PowerServer Web APIs
Check the status of Web APIs
Support HTTPS
Use SSL certificate
Ignore server certificate errors
Support HTTP/2
Support TLS 1.3
Load certificate in Kestrel
Load certificate in IIS
Modify Windows 10 registry
Access PowerServer Management APIs
Enable access to APIs
View API docs in Swagger UI
APIs for managing application and transaction mapping
APIs for managing cache and cache group
APIs for managing license
APIs for managing session
APIs for managing statistics
APIs for managing transaction
Configure the timeout settings
Configure the log settings
Upgrade PowerServer NuGet packages