Creating the Container Instance

In the Azure portal, create a new Container Instance resource and fill in the main values in the Basics tab. In the Image source option, select Azure Container Registry, and then select the repository and image you just uploaded. In Networking, set the Networking type option to Public, the DNS name label to psciwebapi and the DNS name label scope reuse to Subscription.

Note: setting the container’s network to public is discouraged and it’s recommended to use some sort of load balancer instead. Load balancers will, additionally, allow you to do SSL/TLS termination. However this is outside the scope of this tutorial. To read more about load balancing in Azure please visit this link.

Review the settings and click Create:

Reviewing Container Instance configuration

Once the resource finishes deploying, go to the resource page and go to the URL specified in the FQDN field of the Overview page:

Container Instance IP Address

You should be able to see the following. Take note of this URL.

Web APIs Welcome Screen