Upgrade the PowerServer project

The PowerServer project, PowerServer C# solution, PowerBuilder IDE, and PowerBuilder Runtime must match with each other by version and build number.

Therefore, every time after you upgrade PowerBuilder IDE and PowerBuilder Runtime (no matter it is a major or minor version upgrade), you will need to

  1. Select the corresponding PowerBuilder Runtime version in the PowerBuilder IDE (IDE and Runtime must match by build number, for example, both Build 1892).

    To do that, select Tools > System Options in the PowerBuilder IDE; make sure the corresponding runtime version is selected on the General tab.

  2. Make sure the deployment mode is Full.

    To do that, open the PowerServer project painter in the PowerBuilder IDE, select the Client App page, select Full in Project build options.

  3. Build & deploy the PowerServer project again (this ensures the application is regenerated to work with the selected PowerBuilder Runtime).

    Or, export the JSON build file and then re-deploy the application using PBAutoBuild. For how to export the build file and deploy with PBAutoBuild, see Build & deploy using commands.

  4. Upload the Cloud App Launcher and Runtime files to the server. For detailed instructions, refer to Upload the cloud app launcher and the runtime files.

  5. Upgrade the PowerServer.Core and PowerServer.Api packages (and solution settings) in your solution and then re-publish your solution. For detailed instructions, refer to Upgrade PowerServer NuGet packages.