
PowerServer projects have the typical web application structure, consisting of client and server sides. The client-side contains the functionality that a user interacts with, and the server-side deals with the database operations. You need to first decide what operations and functions you will debug, and then choose the right debugging technique and tool. Specifically:

  • For client-side operations that have no database interactions, use the PowerServer Debugger. For more instructions, please refer to: Debugging with PowerServer Debugger.

  • For client-side operations that interact with PowerServer or the database, use the PowerServer Debugger to examine the execution results between the client and the server, however, PowerServer Debugger does not return the information of the Web APIs (such as HTTP header, response body etc.), therefore, you may also use a web debugging proxy tool to capture HTTP/HTTPS traffic between the client and the server. For more instructions, please refer to Debugging with Fiddler.

  • The unsupported features report and logs during the deployment and running of PowerServer projects can be helpful for locating the causes of the errors occurred during the process.

    For the list of logs and unsupported features report available and their locations, please check Logs and unsupported features report.

Then, there are a few debugging case studies targeting to showcase how to handle real-world issues. Please check the Debugging case studies for the cases that apply certain debugging techniques and tools, and the Troubleshooting Guide document for common errors and their possible solution.