Running Web APIs on Kestrel

Kestrel is by default included and enabled in the PowerServer Web APIs. For more, see About PowerServer Web APIs and Kestrel.

For how to run the PowerServer Web APIs on Kestrel in the local development environment, refer to Run the Web APIs (in development environment).

You can also publish and run PowerServer Web APIs on Kestrel in the production environment.

To publish and run PowerServer Web APIs on Kestrel in the production environment:

  1. Publish the PowerServer Web APIs from the SnapDevelop IDE to a folder by following the instructions in this section.

    The Web APIs will be compiled as an ASP.NET Core app and all files (such as configuration files, assembly files, dependencies, .NET runtime etc.) required to run the app will be copied to the publish folder.

  2. Copy all files from the publish folder to the production server.

  3. Run the app, in either of the following ways: