In-process hosting vs. out-of-process hosting

The PowerServer Web APIs can be directly hosted inside of an IIS Application pool and run in the same process as its IIS worker process (w3wp.exe); this is known as in-process hosting. It is different from the out-of-process hosting which runs the PowerServer Web APIs in a process separate from the IIS worker process and forwards the requests made to the IIS reverse proxy to the Kestrel server.

In-process hosting provides improved performance over out-of-process hosting because requests are not proxied over the loopback adapter, a network interface that returns outgoing network traffic back to the same machine.

This tutorial talks about the in-process hosting. The configuration of IIS reverse proxy server for the out-of-process hosting will be discussed in Using Kestrel with IIS reverse proxy server.

To implement the in-process hosting of the PowerServer Web APIs in IIS, you will need to publish Web APIs to IIS using the following methods: