After you create the Web server profile in the previous section, you can directly upload the cloud app launcher and the runtime files to the server.
Step 1: Select Tools > Upload Cloud App Launcher from the PowerBuilder menu bar.
Step 2: In the Upload Cloud App Launcher and Runtime window that appears, select Directly upload to the server and then select the server profile (for example, "Remote IIS") from the listbox.
Step 3: Keep the other settings as default and click Upload.
Step 4: When the upload is finished, go to the Web server and verify the "CloudAppPublisher" folder exists under the Web root (in this tutorial, the Web root for IIS is C:\inetpub\wwwroot, for Apache is C:\Apache24\htdocs, and for Nginx is C:\nginx-1.19.10\html).
If you select Zip the files and manually upload later (instead of Directly upload to the server), you can copy the file and extract it to the Web server.