Uploading the cloud app launcher & runtime files to the remote server

After you create the Web server profile in the previous section, you can directly upload the cloud app launcher and the runtime files to the server.

Step 1: Select Tools > Upload Cloud App Launcher from the PowerBuilder menu bar.

Step 2: In the Upload Cloud App Launcher and Runtime window that appears, select Directly upload to the server and then select the server profile (for example, "Remote IIS") from the listbox.

Step 3: Keep the other settings as default and click Upload.

Step 4: When the upload is finished, go to the Web server and verify the "CloudAppPublisher" folder exists under the Web root (in this tutorial, the Web root for IIS is C:\inetpub\wwwroot, for Apache is C:\Apache24\htdocs, and for Nginx is C:\nginx-1.19.10\html).

If you select Zip the files and manually upload later (instead of Directly upload to the server), you can copy the CloudAppLauncher.zip file and extract it to the Web server.