Using Nginx Sticky Module

This tutorial will walk you through configuring Nginx + Nginx Sticky Module as a load balancer to direct client requests to a group of PowerServer Web APIs. You will have to configure Nginx + Nginx Sticky Module as a load balancer and use the sticky cookie to support session persistence. With sticky cookies, the requests from the same user session are always directed to the same PowerServer Web APIs.

Step 1: Download the source code of Nginx and Nginx Sticky Module separately.

Step 2: Re-compile Nginx to include the Nginx Sticky Module.

./configure ... --add-module=/absolute/path/to/nginx-sticky-module-ng
make install

Step 3: Check if any syntax error in the Nginx configuration file, and then restart Nginx for the changes to take effect.

nginx -t
systemctl restart nginx

Step 4: Configure Nginx to direct requests to the PowerServer Web APIs group using the sticky cookie load-balancing method.

  1. Open the nginx.conf file in a text editor (nginx.conf is located in /etc/nginx/ in Linux).

  2. Under the "server" block that defines the virtual server, add another "server" block and "upstream" block that define the server group.

    • The "upstream" directive defines the PowerServer Web APIs group.

      In the following example, the "upstream" block consists of two server configurations; it could consists of more.

      The "upstream" block also consists of the "sticky" directive which defines that the sticky-cookie load-balancing method will be used when determining which server in the group the request will be directed to.

    • The "listen" directive specifies the port number for the requests. The Web API URL should point to this port number.

    • The "proxy_pass" directive forwards the request to the server group defined in the "upstream" directive, therefore, it should match with the upstream name.

    The following configuration defines a PowerServer Web APIs group named webapi which consists of three .NET servers:,, and and requests made to the URL: https://<server>:8090/ will be redirected to the PowerServer Web APIs group.

    upstream webapi
            sticky name=route hash=sha1 expires=1h;
    server {
            listen       8090;
            server_name  localhost;
            location / {
              proxy_pass https://webapi;
              proxy_set_header Host $host;
              proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
              proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;