
Applies to

RibbonMenuItem controls


Specifies the type of the menu item (Default is 0). Values are:

  • Normal(0) -- Can be inserted as the master menu item in RibbonApplicationMenu or as the menu item in RibbonMenu.

  • Separator(1) -- Can be inserted as a separator in the master menu in RibbonApplicationMenu or in the menu in RibbonMenu. A separator is a horizontal line used to visually distinguish between groups of menu items.

  • Recent(2) -- Can be inserted as the recent menu item in RibbonApplicationMenu.

Inserting an item with the wrong type would be invalid and return -1, for example, inserting a recent item to the master menu, or inserting a master item to the recent menu.

The ItemType property (called Type attribute in XML/JSON) should not be changed at runtime, for example, you cannot change an item from Normal to Recent (or from Recent to Normal), the operation would fail (return -1); and you should not change an item from Normal to Separator (or from Separator to Normal), although the operation would return 1, the item and the ItemType value are still unchanged.


RibbonMenuItem lr_MenuItem1, lr_MenuItem2, lr_MenuItem3

lr_MenuItem1.ItemType = 0
lr_MenuItem2.ItemType = 1
lr_MenuItem3.ItemType = 2