
RibbonBar control items (including category, panel, large button, small button and Ribbon menu) converted from menu items are standard PowerBuilder RibbonBar controls and sub-controls. They have the same settings and customization rules as the standard RibbonBar, RibbonCategoryItem, RibbonPanelItem, RibbonLargeButton, RibbonSmallButton, and RibbonMenuItem. For general customization rules, refer to Custom themes.

For example, to customize the RibbonBar mdirbb_1, you can create a custom theme file called "theme-mditbb_1.json", add a "w_mdi.mdirbb_1" node in the custom theme, and copy other sub-control nodes from the system theme.json file in the same directory.

The QuickAccessToolbar has its own node "quickaccesstoolbar" and properties in the theme file. For more information, refer to QuickAccessToolbar.

An example of the custom theme file:

   …//copy sub-nodes from the "ribbonbar" node in theme.json file