PBAutoBuild supported parameters

The PBAutoBuild utility allows you to build projects either with the PBAutoBuild approach (the default mode) or PBC approach (with /pbc parameter):

  • (PBAutoBuild approach) Use /f (and related parameters) to compile and deploy PowerBuilder projects through a configuration file. For more details, see /f and related parameters.

  • (PBC approach) Use /pbc and /c (and related parameters) to compile PowerBuilder projects. /c parameter must be used together with /pbc parameter. For more details, see /pbc, /c, and related parameters.

  • (PBC approach) Use /pbc and /d (and related parameters) to deploy PowerBuilder projects. /d parameter must be used together with /pbc parameter. For more details, see /pbc, /d, and related parameters.

When /f and /c or /d groups of parameters are passed in at the same time, /f (and related parameters) will take effect, and /c or /d (and related parameters) will be ignored.

PBAutoBuild also supports the following parameters:

  • /p parameter for generating an encrypted value of the password.

  • /h or /? parameter for displaying the help information of parameters.

/f and related parameters

To build projects using the PBAutoBuild approach (the default mode), you can execute the PBAutoBuild250.exe file with the /f and related parameters. (Note that you can build all project types (including PowerBuilder C/S Application projects, PowerClient projects, and PowerServer projects)).

PBAutoBuild250 /f filename [/options]

/f parameter is required; the other parameters are optional.

For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\SalesDemo_cloud.json /l deploy.log /le error.log /lu unsupport.log /v "project1:;project2:" /vn "project1:;project2:" /fv "project1:;project2:" /fvn "project1:;project2:"

Parameters Required Description



Specifies the configuration file to be used for compiling and deploying the project.

The configuration file (in JSON format) can be directly exported from the PowerBuilder IDE, as described in Building a client/server application with commands.

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\SalesDemo_cloud.json



Deploys the PowerServer/PowerClient project only, instead of compiling and deploying the project.

If the project has been compiled before, you can use this parameter to skip compiling the project again.

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\SalesDemo_cloud.json /deploy



Writes the logging information to the specified file.

To use relative path in this parameter, make sure to pass this parameter after the /f parameter, so that the relative path specified in this parameter is relative to the path of the configuration file.



Writes the error information to the specified file. For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\SalesDemo_cloud.json /l deploy.log /le error.log

To use relative path in this parameter, make sure to pass this parameter after the /f parameter, so that the relative path specified in this parameter is relative to the path of the configuration file. In the above example, the log files will be generated under the same path as the configuration file.



Writes the unsupported PowerScript features to the specified file. For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\SalesDemo_cloud.json /l deploy.log /le error.log /lu unsupport.log

To use relative path in this parameter, make sure to pass this parameter after the /f parameter, so that the relative path specified in this parameter is relative to the path of the configuration file.

Note: This parameter only takes effect for the PowerServer project.



The product version (property displayed for executable).



The file version (property displayed for executable).



The product version (executable version used by installer).



The file version (executable version used by installer).

You can specify for multiple projects at the same time, in this format: "[projectname1]:;[projectname2]:". Projects are separated with semicolons (";"). For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\test.json /v "project1:;project2:" /vn "project1:;project2:" /fv "project1:;project2:" /fvn "project1:;project2:"

If no project name is specified, the version number will be used by all projects. For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /f c:\test.json /v ""

The version numbers specified by parameters take precedence over those specified in the build file.

/pbc, /c, and related parameters

To compile projects using the PBC approach, you can execute the PBAutoBuild250.exe file with the /pbc, /c and related parameters. (Note that you can compile the PowerBuilder C/S Application projects only.)

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /c filename [/compilemode]

/pbc and /c parameters are required and must be used together; the other parameters are optional.

For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /c test11.pbw

Parameters Required Description



Compiles the project with the PBC approach.

The /pbc parameter (PBC approach) must be used together with the /c and related parameters.



Name of the workspace, solution, target, or project file to be compiled. It supports the following file types: .pbw, .pbsln, .pbt, and .pbproj (.pbl is not supported currently). For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /c test11.pbw

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Executable file name option



Full compilation mode.

When not specified, full compilation mode is used by default.



Incremental compilation mode.

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /c test11.pbw /i

/pbc, /d, and related parameters

To deploy projects using the PBC approach, you can execute the PBAutoBuild250.exe file with the /pbc, /d and related parameters. (Note that you can deploy the PowerBuilder C/S Application projects only.)

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /d filename [/compilemode] [/options]

/pbc and /d parameters are required and must be used together; the other parameters are optional.

For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /d "test11.pbt" /o "test11.exe" /r "test11.pbr" /w n /f /m y /tr n /in n /op 0 /x 32 /bg y /p "PowerBuilder Enterprise Series" /cp "Appeon" /de "Appeon Product File" /cr "Contains licensed copyright material by Appeon" /v "" /fv "" /ge 1 /le 0 /ps n

Parameters Required Description



Deploys the project with the PBC approach.

The /pbc parameter (PBC approach) must be used together with the /d and related parameters.



Name of the workspace, solution, target, or project file to be deployed to EXE and DLL/PBD files. It supports the following file types: .pbw, .pbsln, .pbt, and .pbproj (.pbl is not supported currently). For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /pbc /d test11.pbw

All the other related files will be deployed to the same folder as the EXE file specified in the /o parameter.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Executable file name option



Full compilation mode.

When not specified, full compilation mode is used by default.



Incremental compilation mode.



Name of the application executable file to be created.

All the other related files will be deployed to the same folder as the EXE file. For example: /o d:\fo\test11.exe. If not specified, the same name as the target (.pbt) or project (.pbproj) file will be used.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Executable file name option



Name of a PBR (PowerBuilder resource file) that will be used to build the executable file. For example, /r test11.pbr.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Resource file name option

Note that only one general resource file can be specified in this parameter (unlike PowerBuilder IDE which can specify a separate resource file for each PBL file).



Whether the platform to run the EXE file is 32-bit or 64-bit. Values can be 32 (the default) or 64. For example, /x 32.

32-bit EXE file can only run with the 32-bit runtime files, and 64-bit EXE file can only run with the 64-bit runtime files.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Platform option



Name of the company. Default is empty.

If there’s space in the company name, the name should be quoted, for example, /cp "Appeon SZ".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Company name option



Name of the product. Default value is “PowerBuilder Enterprise Series”.

If there’s space in the product name, the name should be quoted, for example, /p "PowerBuilder Enterprise Series".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Product name option



Description of the product. Default is empty.

If there’s space in the description, the description should be quoted, for example, /de "Appeon Product File".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Description option



Copyright statement of the product. Default is empty.

If there is space in the copyright description, the description should be quoted, for example, /cr "All rights reserved.".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Copyright option



Version of the software. Default value is “”.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Product version option (Properties displayed for executable)



Version of the file. Default value is “”.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: File version option (Properties displayed for executable)



Version of the software which consist of four integer values representing the major version number, minor version number, fix version number, and build number, with each value separated by a decimal point, for example "".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Product version option (Executable version used by installer)



Version of the file which consists of four integer values representing the major version number, minor version number, fix version number, and build number, with each value separated by a decimal point, for example "".

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: File version option (Executable version used by installer)



Whether to use the Windows classic style. Values are:

  • y – use the Windows classic style.

  • n – (default) use the PowerBuilder style.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Windows classic style option



Whether to generate machine code executables and dynamic libraries. Values are:

  • y – generate machine code.

    Machine code is NOT supported by the solution (.pbsln) and project (.pbproj), therefore, if /m y is specified for a solution or project, pseudo code (instead of machine code) will be generated.

  • n – (default) generate pseudo code.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Pcode option and Machine code option



Whether to generate a trace file for troubleshooting or profiling your application when you run the executable file. Values are y and n (the default).

This parameter takes effect only when machine code executable is generated.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Trace information option



Whether to display context information (such as object, event, and script line number) for runtime errors. Values are y and n (the default).

This parameter takes effect only when machine code executable is generated.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Error context information option



Optimization level. Values are:

  • 0 - (default) Optimize for speed

  • 1 - Optimize for space

  • 2 - None

This parameter takes effect only when machine code executable is generated.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Optimization option



Whether to enable any code that you placed in DEBUG symbol conditional compilation code blocks. Values are y (the default) and n.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Enable DEBUG symbol option



Whether to generate manifest. Values are:

  • 0 - (default) No manifest

  • 1 - Embedded manifest

  • 2 - External manifest

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Generation options option



Execution level of manifest. This parameter takes effect only when /ge is set to 1 or 2. Values are:

  • 0 - (default) As Invoker

  • 1 - Highest Available

  • 2 - Require Administrator

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Execution level option



Whether to allow access to the protected system UI. Values are y and n (the default). This parameter takes effect only when /ge is set to 1 or 2.

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: Allow access to protected system UI option



Whether to generate the PBD/DLL file for a PBL. Values are:

  • y - (default) to generate PBD/DLL file

  • n - not to generate PBD/DLL file

PowerBuilder IDE -> Project Painter: PBD option

When there are more than one PBLs in an application, each PBL can have its own /pd value. For example, when there are three PBLs, /pd nnn indicates only EXE file is generated and no PBD/DLL file is generated; /pd yny indicates the first and the third PBLs will have PBD/DLL files generated; /pd n indicates the first PBL will not have PBD/DLL file generated, and the second and the third PBL will have PBD/DLL files generated because the default value is y.

If you specify to generate the EXE file only without the PBD/DLL file, make sure to test that the EXE file can run correctly.



The version of PowerBuilder Runtime that will be used to compile the application executable, for example, /rt

If this parameter is not set, then the runtime version configured in the PowerBuilder IDE will be used; and if no PowerBuilder IDE is installed on the current machine, then the latest runtime within the same major version as PowerBuilder Compiler will be used.

/p parameter

You can execute the PBAutoBuild250.exe file with the /p parameter to generate an encrypted value of the password (such as the password for logging into SVN or Git). If the password contains the double quotation mark ("), use the escape character \" to replace ".

For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /p abcd1234

Instead of inputting the plain text of your password in the configuration file, you can input the encrypted value.

/h parameter

You can execute the PBAutoBuild250.exe file with the /h or /? parameter to display the help of parameters.

For example,

PBAutoBuild250 /h