Managing workspaces/solutions

This section describes how to add and remove targets/projects, and to specify properties in a workspace/solution.

Adding an existing target/project to a workspace/solution

Although you can have only one workspace/solution open at a time, you can add as many targets/projects to the workspace/solution as you want and open and edit objects in multiple targets/projects.

Working with targets that share PBLs

If a target shares PBLs with another target in the same workspace, you should work on only one target at a time. Objects are always opened in the context of a specific target. When you open an object in a PBL that is used in multiple targets, PowerBuilder needs to set global properties for the specific target you are working on.

To add an existing target/project to a workspace/solution

  1. Right-click on the workspace/solution displayed in the System Tree and select Add Target or Add Project from the pop-up menu.

    The Add Target to Workspace or Add Project to Solution dialog box displays.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the target/project you want to add and select the target/project file.

  3. Click Open.

    The target/project is added to your current workspace/solution.

If you want to add a target to a solution, you should select Convert & Add Target from the pop-up menu. The selected target (.pbt) file will be converted to the project (.pbproj) and the library files (.pbl) included in the selected target will be converted to the library folders.

Removing a target/project from a workspace/solution

When you remove a target/project from the workspace/solution, the .pbt or .pbproj file is not deleted.

To remove a target/project from a workspace/solution

  • Right-click on the target/project displayed in the System Tree and select Remove Target or Remove Project from the pop-up menu.

Specifying workspace/solution properties

You specify workspace/solution properties in the Properties of Workspace/Solution dialog box.

To specify workspace/solution properties

  1. In the System Tree, select Properties from the pop-up menu for the workspace/solution.

  2. Select the Targets/Projects, Deploy Preview, or Source Control tab page.

  3. Specify the properties as described in the following sections.

    Specifying target/project order. You can specify the targets/projects and the order in which those targets/projects are built or deployed on the Targets/Projects tab page. All the targets/projects identified with the workspace/solution are listed. Check the targets/projects you want to include in the workspace/solution build or deploy. Use the arrows to change a target/project's position in the target/project order list.

    Previewing deployment. You can verify the targets/projects and the order in which those targets/projects are built or deployed on the Deploy Preview tab page. To make changes, you need to use the Targets/Projects page of the Workspace/Solution dialog box.

    Specifying source control properties. You can specify which source control system, if any, is used for this workspace/solution, as well as other source control properties. For more information, see Using Source Control.