A target/project can be used to create an executable application that include
A collection of PowerBuilder windows that perform related activities and that you deliver to users.
A traditional client/server application that accesses a database server or an application that acts as a client in a distributed application and requests services from a server application.
The first step in creating a new application is to use a Target/Project wizard, described in Working with PowerBuilder.
Depending on the type of target/project you choose to create, the target/project can include only an Application object or it can include additional objects. If the target/project requires connection to a server or a SQL database, the Template Application wizard also creates a Connection object.
All application targets/projects include an Application object. It is a discrete object that is saved in a PowerBuilder library, just like a window, menu, function, or DataWindow object. When a user runs the application, the scripts you write for events are triggered in the Application object.
When you open an Application object in PowerBuilder, you enter the Application painter.
After you create the new target/project, you can open the Application object and work in the Application painter to define application-level properties (such as which fonts are used by default for text) and application-level behavior (such as what processing should occur when the application begins and ends).