If there is no open Script editor, selecting a menu or PainterBar item that requires a Script editor opens one automatically. If you want to edit more than one script at a time, you can open additional Script editors from the View menu.
To edit a script for a control:
Double-click a scriptable control, or select Script from the PainterBar or a pop-up menu.
The Script editor shows the default script for the control. If the Script editor is in a stacked pane and is hidden, it pops to the front. If there is no open Script editor, PowerBuilder creates a new one.
Using drag and drop
If a Script editor is visible, you can drag a control from the Control list view to the Script editor to edit a script for the control.
To edit a script for a function or event:
Double-click an item in the Event list or Function list views, or select the function or event from the second drop-down list in an open Script editor.
The Script editor shows the script for the selected event or function. If the Script editor is in a tabbed pane and is hidden, it pops to the front. If there is no open Script editor, PowerBuilder creates a new one.