PowerBuilder configuration information is stored in both the PowerBuilder initialization file (PB.INI) and the registry. When you start PowerBuilder, it looks in the registry and PB.INI to set up your environment.
Some PowerBuilder features require the use of the PB.INI file, but many features use the registry for getting and storing configuration information. Normally, you should not need to access or modify items in the registry directly.
Information related to your preferences (such as the applications you have created, the way you have arranged your views in the painters, and the shortcut keys you have defined for PowerBuilder menu items) is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Sybase/PowerBuilder/25.0.
Installation-related information is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Sybase/PowerBuilder/25.0.
PB.INI is a text file that contains variables that specify your PowerBuilder preferences. These preferences include information such as the last workspace/solution you used and your startup preferences. When you perform certain actions in PowerBuilder, PowerBuilder writes your preferences to PB.INI automatically.
For more about using the PB.INI file, refer to Appendix B. The PB.INI File.