Errors such as
if not caused by incorrect session timeout (Configure the timeout settings) or IIS configuration (Session does not exist), you can capture and show the error in a more friendly way, such as in a message box.
For example, in the Application object -> System Error event
Choose Case error.Number Case 220 to 229 //Session Error MessageBox ("Session Error", "Number:" + String(error.Number) + "~r~nText:" + error.Text ) Case 230 to 239 //License Error MessageBox ("License Error", "Number:" + String(error.Number) + "~r~nText:" + error.Text ) Case 240 to 249 //Token Error MessageBox ("Token Error", "Number:" + String(error.Number) + "~r~nText:" + error.Text ) Case Else MessageBox ("SystemError", "Number:" + String(error.Number) + "~r~nText:" + error.Text ) End Choose
You can also replace the default message with your own message for each error. For more details about PowerServer Error Numbers, refer to Runtime error numbers.
For example:
Choose Case error.Number Case 224, 225 // Session fails to respond (Session does not exist/Session timed out). MessageBox ("Session Error", "Number:" + String(error.Number) + "~r~nText:" + "Since the application has not been operated for a long time, please restart the application to continue using the application.") … End Choose
For each specific type of error, developers can implement proactive approaches and solutions. For example, in a situation where an error occurs due to the primary server not functioning, developers can utilize the SetPowerServerURL and BeginSession functions to smoothly transition to a backup server, so after the end user restarts the application they can continue using the application (thereby indirectly implementing the server failover functionality). Here is a code example:
String ls_new_url Blob lb_has_error Try GetApplication().BeginSession() Catch (runtimeerror er) // BeginSession failed if the primary server is down. lb_has_error = true Messagebox("BeginSession Failed", "It will try another service.") End Try If lb_has_error Then // It will try the backup server. // Change to the backup Web API URL. ls_new_url = "" GetApplication().SetPowerServerURL(ls_new_url) GetApplication().BeginSession() End If