In this guide, we will learn how to set up Apache as the reverse proxy server which redirects requests to the PowerServer Web APIs running on the Kestrel server.
In this guide, we will configure and use the following server environment and URLs. Make sure the port number is not occupied by any other program. For how to verify if a port number is occupied, follow the instructions in Choosing an appropriate port number.
Step 1: Set up the reverse proxy server with the following OS and software (install the software in the order listed).
CentOS 7 (64-bit)
Apache HTTP Server
The section Installing Apache HTTP Server has detailed installation instructions.
Step 2: Configure the CentOS user account: you can either use the root account or create a new account with administrative privileges.
Step 3: Set up a firewall on the server and make sure the firewall allows the port (80 and 8080 in this guide or any port number you choose) to go through.
Step 4: Make sure the server can connect to Internet during the installation of Apache HTTP Server.