As PowerBuilder is designed to be case-insensitive and always uses lower cases to access the deployed folders/files, therefore, in a case-sensitive file system like Linux, folder/file names (such as images etc.) containing upper cases may not be found or loaded.
To avoid such issues, you are recommended to
Change the folder/file names (such as theme, images etc.) to use all lower cases; or
Configure Nginx in Linux to be case-insensitive.
To configure Nginx in Linux to be case-insensitive,
Download the ngx_http_lower_upper_case module and Nginx source code.
Suppose ngx_http_lower_upper_case is de-compressed to the folder: /src/case/, and Nginx is de-decompressed to the folder: /src/ngx/.
Go to the Nginx folder and load the ngx_http_lower_upper_case module.
cd /src/ngx/nginx-1.21.3 ./configure --prefix=/nginx \ --add-module=/src/case/ngx_http_lower_upper_case
Compile the Nginx source code.
If Nginx is already installed, stop Nginx, copy the files from /src/ngx/nginx-1.21.3/objs/nginx to replace the existing ones, and then restart Nginx.
If Nginx is not yet installed, execute the following command to install Nginx:
make install
Go to the Nginx installation folder and open the nginx.conf file in a text editor.
Locate the "location" block and modify it like below:
location ~[A-Z+] { lower $caseurl $request_uri; rewrite ^(.*) $caseurl last; }
Reload the Nginx configuration.
nginx –s reload