Setting up a docker host (Docker Engine)

The docker host is where the docker image is built and the docker container is run. The Web API project will be built and published as a docker image first, and then the docker image will be run as a docker container. The Web APIs is actually hosted and run in the docker container.

Step 1: Set up a docker host (also called Docker Engine in the SnapDevelop IDE).

To set up a docker host/Docker Engine, refer to

In this guide, a Docker Engine has already been set up in a Linux server (suppose its IP address and port number are

Write down this information as it will be required when you build the Web API project as a docker image (in the later section Publishing Web APIs to Docker).

Step 2: Make sure the docker host machine can connect to the Appeon license server (for validating the PowerServer license).

If the docker host machine connects to Internet via a proxy server, refer to Configure Docker to use a proxy server for detailed instructions.