What settings can be modified in the C# solution

The AppModels and ServerAPIs.Tests projects should NOT be modified after generation.

Only the UserExtensions project and a few settings in the ServerAPIs project can be modified.

Note: For any setting that is NOT specified in the following table, please DO NOT modify it.

Settings that can be modified

Where to modify it

Environment settings for running the PowerServer Web APIs in the local development environment (including environment type, port number, launch URL etc.)

ServerAPIs project > Properties > launchSettings.json

For more, view the following sections:

About PowerServer Web APIs and Kestrel

Hosting Web APIs in Kestrel

PowerServer settings (including license, host name, proxy settings, email settings, transaction statistics options)

UserExtensions project > UserConfig.json

For more, view the following sections:

PowerServer C# solution

Importing the PowerServer license

Configuring the email settings

Current DB connection profile

UserExtensions project > AppConfig > AppConfig.json

For more, view the following section:

Create the DB connection profile

Database connection settings (including cache name, database type, data source settings, and some additional settings)

UserExtensions project > AppConfig > Applications.json or Applications.[DBConnectionProfile].json > "Connections" > "Default" > [cache name]

("Default" refers to the default cache group.)

For more, view the following sections:

Configuring the database connection

Managing database caches in PowerServer

Application settings (including transaction-to-cache mappings, timeout values for transaction, session, and request, run mode etc.)

UserExtensions project > AppConfig > Applications.json or Applications.[DBConnectionProfile].json > "Applications" > [app name]

For more, view the following sections:

Configure the timeout settings

Managing transaction-to-cache mappings in PowerServer

How to switch to the test mode

Log settings for PowerServer

UserExtensions project > Logging

For more, view the following section:

Configure the log settings