After you made changes to the PowerServer project settings, save the project settings and then click the Build & Deploy PowerServer Project button in the toolbar.
When the build process completes, the following will be generated:
a zipped file package will be generated in the specified output path. It contains the following:
the "CloudAppPublisher" folder which contains the cloud app launcher and the PowerBuilder runtime files
the "[appname]" folder which contains the application files
the "[solutionname]_API" folder which contains the compiled files for PowerServer Web APIs. However, this folder and files in it will not be used in this guide.
the web.config file (used by IIS). This file will not be used in this guide.
the C# solution of PowerServer Web APIs will be generated in %username%\source\repos by default -- This solution will be opened in SnapDevelop later to build the PowerServer Web APIs as a Docker container image.
They will be used to create the docker container images in the next step.