Install the installable cloud app

If you choose to package the installable cloud app as an executable installer or a zipped file, you will need to install the installable cloud app to the server(s).

To install the installable cloud app to the server:

  1. Set up a server. You can follow instructions in Server setup.

  2. Install the installable cloud app to the server.

    • If the generated package is the executable installer ([appname].exe), then

      To run the executable installer, double click the [appname].exe file, then input the web root of the server, and then click Install. Wait until the installation is completed.

      There will be four folders installed under the web root (as shown in the figure below):

      1. the "CloudAppPublisher" folder which contains the cloud app launcher and the PowerBuilder runtime files

      2. the "[appname]" folder (named after the App name configured in IDE, for example "salesdemo_cloud") which contains the application files

      3. the "[solutionname]_API" folder which contains a release version of PowerServer Web APIs.

      4. the web.config file used by IIS to invoke the PowerServer Web APIs.

    • If the app package is the zip package ([appname].zip), then

      To de-compress the zip package, right click the [appname].zip file and select Extract. There will be four folders extracted. Copy these folders to the web root of the server, as shown in the figure below.


    Do not manually change the name of the installed or de-compressed application folder on the server, otherwise the application uninstall program will fail to run.