Deploy page

The Deploy page > Basic tab has the following settings:

Option or option group

What you specify

Target run mode

Select Within the IDE to use the local Kestrel server as the target server, or select External to deploy to the IIS server or a folder.

Target server

You can deploy a PowerServer project to the following servers/folder:

  • Local Kestrel server -- Deploy to the local Kestrel server which can be run directly within the PowerBuilder IDE. The Kestrel server is automatically configured and used when you select Within the IDE as the target run mode. Refer to Configuring a server for deployment for more information.

    • The local Kestrel server is configured by default. You can directly use the default settings or modify the host name, port number, and/or HTTP/HTTPS connection method for the local Kestrel server. These settings will be used when the local Kestrel server starts within the PowerBuilder IDE or in the Development hosting environment. To change these settings, you can either 1) modify the PowerServer C# Solution > ServerAPIs project > Properties > launchSettings.json > "applicationUrl" setting; or 2) modify the settings here and then deploy the project again.

    • The App URL is automatically generated based on the host name, port number, connection method, and [app name], for example, http://localhost:5099/salesdemo_cloud. This URL will be run by default when you click Run Project from the PowerBuilder IDE after you build & deploy the project to Kestrel.

    • The Web API site URL is automatically generated based on the host name, port number, and connection method, for example, http://localhost:5099/.

  • IIS -- Deploy to a local or remote IIS server.

    • If you have not configured the IIS server yet, click the Configuration button and follow the instructions in Configuring a server for deployment to configure the server.

    • Framework-dependent or Self-contained -- A Self-Contained package will not only include the app assembly files and its dependencies, but also include the .NET Core runtime and libraries. Users can run it on a machine that has no .NET Core runtime installed. A Framework-Dependent package will only include the app assembly files and its dependencies. Users have to install the .NET Core runtime in order to run the app.

    • Portable, Windows 64-bit, or Windows 32-bit -- The target platform that the Web APIs is published for. If you know the architecture of the target server, you can select the corresponding platform; if you are not sure of the server architecture, you can select Portable. But if you select Portable, you can only select Framework-dependent.


      The Web APIs does not support connecting with the DB2 or Informix database on the Linux 64-bit or Windows 32-bit platform.


      Make sure the platform of Web APIs matches with that of the server. If you select Windows 32-bit, make sure IIS is 32-bit (set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True); if you select Windows 64-bit, make sure IIS is 64-bit (set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to False). For more, refer to this section.

    • App URL -- The App URL is generated automatically based on the site URL in the server profile + [App name], for example, http://localhost/salesdemo_cloud. This URL will be run by default when you click Run Project from the PowerBuilder IDE after you build & deploy the project to IIS. If you move or deploy the client app to a different site, then you can input the new URL manually in the Web browser.

    • Web API site URL -- By default the Web API site URL is the same as the site URL in the server profile, for example, http://localhost. You can leave this field empty or use the default value.

      If you have configured or want to configure a different site for running the Web APIs, you can click Edit and then specify the site URL in this field. You will need to create the specified IIS site and deploy Web APIs to the site by yourself (you can run http://[Web-API-URL]/health-ui to verify Web APIs is running successfully).

      If the PowerServer Web APIs is deployed as IIS sub-application, the URL must include the path of the sub-application.

      You can also modify the URL in the client app after deploying the project (see Specify the Web API URL for detailed instructions).

  • Folder -- Package the app as an executable installer or a zipped file, and then manually install the app to the server. Refer to Package the installable cloud app for more information.

    • If you select Zipped file, an file is generated in the specified path. You can copy the zip file to the server and then decompress it to the web root; If you select Executable installer, an appname.exe file is generated in the specified path. You can copy the executable file to the server and then run it to install the application to the web root.

    • Framework-dependent or Self-contained -- A Self-Contained package will not only include the app assembly files and its dependencies, but also include the .NET Core runtime and libraries. Users can run it on a machine that has no .NET Core runtime installed. A Framework-Dependent package will only include the app assembly files and its dependencies. Users have to install the .NET Core runtime in order to run the app.

    • Portable, Windows 64-bit, Linux 64-bit, or Windows 32-bit -- The target platform that the Web APIs is published for. If you know the architecture of the target server, you can select the corresponding platform; if you are not sure of the server architecture, you can select Portable. But if you select Portable, you can only select Framework-dependent.


      The Web APIs does not support connecting with the DB2 or Informix database on the Linux 64-bit or Windows 32-bit platform.


      Make sure the platform of Web APIs matches with that of the server. Take IIS for example, if you select Windows 32-bit, make sure IIS is 32-bit (set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True); if you select Windows 64-bit, make sure IIS is 64-bit (set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to False). For more, refer to this section.

    • Web API site URL -- If you know where the Web APIs will be deployed and running, you can specify the URL here. You can also leave this field empty and specify the URL later in the client app. See Specify the Web API URL for more details.

      If the PowerServer Web APIs is deployed as IIS sub-application, the URL must include the path of the sub-application.

    • Specify the folder and file name where the package will be generated. You can select to delete all existing files in the zip/exe file before packaging.

"License code" group

You can click Auto Import to directly obtain and import the license from the Appeon sites, or click Import from File to select and import the license file.

Refer to Import license and activate PowerServer for more details.

The Deploy page > Advanced tab has the following settings:

IMPORTANT: The following are indispensable files that make up the installable cloud app. Only after you confirm that these files already exist in the server and the configured URLs are correct, you can choose to not upload these files. Otherwise, any missing or incorrect file may cause the installable cloud app to fail to run.

Option or option group

What you specify

Cloud App Launcher

Select whether to deploy/package the Cloud App Launcher.

You can click Configuration to customize the cloud app launcher and upload it. For how to customize the cloud app launcher, refer to Customize cloud app launcher.

Runtime files

Select whether to deploy/package the runtime files.

The runtime files compatible with the selected platform (x86 or x64) of the client app will be deployed or packaged.

Web APIs

Select whether to deploy/package the compiled files of Web APIs. This option is available when selecting External (IIS or folder) as Target run mode.

If Web APIs already exists on the server, you can select not to deploy or package Web APIs; and after deployment, you will need to make sure the web.config and apprun.json files are pointing to the appropriate Web API URL.


Select whether to deploy/package the web.config file. This option is available when selecting External (IIS or folder) as Target run mode.

web.config is used by IIS to start the PowerServer Web APIs. It is NOT required in certain circumstances or when deployed to non-IIS servers.


Select whether to deploy/package the apprun.json file.

apprun.json specifies the download URL of launcher and runtime and the URL of Web APIs. It is used by the client app to download the launcher and runtime and access the Web APIs.