Unsupported feature
The DataWindows and/or embedded SQLs included in the PBD file cannot be parsed to the PowerServer C# models; and the SetLibraryList and AddToLibraryList functions will not work properly with such PBD files as well. (PBD files that do not contain DataWindows objects and embedded SQL are supported well.)
During the app compilation, all the database-related constructs need to be parsed into the C# Web API project, from the PBL source code (not from the PBD file).
If you have the PBL source code for the PBD file, you can manually convert the DataWindows and embedded SQLs from the corresponding PBL file through DataWindow Converter.
If you have no PBL source code for the PBD file, you can consider making PBD an independent native PowerBuilder application and then calling this application, similar to Data pipeline.