Creating an image of the client app

This is to create a Docker container image that contains the client app.

This guide will show you how to create a container image using the Dockerfile.

Step 1: Extract the zipped file package and copy the "CloudAppPublisher" and "[appname]" folders to the local directory, for example, C:\cloudappdemo\cloudapp.

(In the following screenshot, demok8s is the application name. Make a note of the application name, as it will be used in the application URL to access the application later.)

Step 2: Create a Dockerfile in the local directory, for example, C:\cloudappdemo.

Step 3: Add the following commands to the Dockerfile.

Example 1: the following commands get an Apache HTTP server image from the public repository and then add the client app to the web root of the Apache HTTP server.

FROM httpd:latest
COPY --chown=daemon:daemon "cloudapp/" "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/"

Example 2: the following commands get an Nginx Web server image from the public repository and then add the client app to the web root of the Nginx Web server.

FROM nginx:latest
COPY --chown=nginx:nginx "cloudapp/" "/usr/share/nginx/html/"

Step 4: Use the docker build command to create the image and tag it as powerservercloudapp:001.

The dot (.) in the middle of the command sets the location of the Dockerfile (in this case, the current directory).

cd C:\cloudappdemo 
docker build . -t powerservercloudapp:001

Step 5: After the image is created, use the docker images command to see the images.