Using SnapDevelop

Once the project is deployed (and the new database information is in the Web APIs) open the C# Solution in SnapDevelop by clicking the Open C# Solution in SnapDevelop button in the PowerServer Toolbar.

When SnapDevelop opens, right click the Server APIs project in the Solution Explorer and click Publish.

Create a new Deployment Profile with a Docker Container Registry target.

On the Registry dropdown menu click New Connection and enter the registry server’s address (prepending http://), username and password from the Azure Container Registry you created earlier and then click OK:

Adding connection to Azure Container Repository

Fill in the rest of the profile’s information and click Next and then Publish:

Adding the profile’s details

Once the publishing finishes, the Image Details window will open in SnapDevelop and the repository will be visible in the Container Explorer panel:

Seeing the published image’s details

In this case, is the image’s tag.