When using SyntaxFromSQL to create a DataWindow, if the tables are queried from multiple views, PowerBuilder and PowerServer will generate different column names.
For example,
// v_cust_dept is a view created from table cust_dept, v_cust_office is a view created from table cust_office SELECT v_cust_dept.dept_id, v_cust_office.office_name from v_cust_dept, v_cust_office where v_cust_dept.dept_id = v_cust_office.dept_id
PowerBuilder will generate the column name as v_cust_dept_dept_id; while PowerServer will generate the column name as cust_dept_dept_id.
If using dw_1.getitem(1,"v_cust_dept_dept_id ") to get data, runtime error will occur. Use dw_1.getitem(1,index) instead.