Start the session manually

By default, the user session is automatically created when the application starts; and the session includes no token. For the session to include the token, the session must be started manually by code instead of automatically.

To start the session manually by code,

Step 1: Select the "Dynamic session parameters" option in the PowerBuilder IDE. (Steps: Open the application object painter, click Additional Properties in the application's Properties dialog; in the Application dialog, select the PowerServer tab and then select the Dynamic session parameters option and click Apply.)

Step 2: Call the BeginSession function in the application Open event.

Place the scripts before the database connection is established. The scripts create the user session that includes the token information.


1) The BeginSession function works only when the "Dynamic session parameters" option is selected.

2) Do not call BeginSession more than one time, otherwise, it will return -1 (indicating session already exists).

If f_Authorization() <> 1 Then
End If

long ll_return
 ll_return = Beginsession()
 If ll_return <> 0 Then
  Messagebox("Beginsession Failed:" + String(ll_return), GetHttpResponseStatusText())
 End if
Catch ( Throwable ex)
 MessageBox( "Throwable", ex.GetMessage())
End Try

//Refresh Token for timing
If gl_Expiresin > 0 And (gl_Expiresin - gl_ClockSkew) > 0 Then
 //Timer = Expiresin - ClockSkew 
 //7200 - 3
 timing_1.Start(gl_Expiresin - gl_ClockSkew)
End If

//Connect db