The following error occurs when trying to run the installable cloud app.
ERROR [31852] Failed to download the config file http://x.x.x.x:yyyy/appname/apprun.json; ErrorCode: 12029; Error: Failed to connect to the server for the operation.
ERROR [31852] Failed to download the config file http://x.x.x.x:yyyy/appname/apprun.json; ErrorCode: 12002; Error: The operation has timed out.
Cause 1 & solution:
The Web APIs is not running or started successfully, probably because the port number is occupied by another program. If you use the built-in Kestrel server, you will see this error on the server console.
In this case, you can stop that program and then try again, or change the port number. For more, refer to Choosing an appropriate port number.
Cause 2 & solution:
The error is caused by a network connection problem.
To resolve the error, check and make sure the network connection between the client and the server is configured and working correctly.