Creates a session in the installable cloud application deployed with PowerServer.
This function is only effective in the installable cloud application deployed with PowerServer.
Applies to
applicationname.BeginSession ( )
Argument |
Description |
applicationname |
The name of the application object for which you want to create a session |
Normally there is no need to call this function to create a session, because the session is automatically created when the application starts. You may want to execute this function to create a session, only when you have obtained the access token and you want the session to include the access token, or when you have dynamically modified the Web API URL for the application via SetPowerServerURL.
In order to execute this function successfully, the "Dynamic session parameters" option must be selected in the Application painter's Properties view so that the session will not be created automatically, otherwise, this function will return -1 (if the session has already been created automatically).
You can only call this function one time to create one session after the application started; once a session was created successfully by this function, do not call this function again unless the application is re-started, otherwise, this function will return -1 (as session already exists).
Return value
Returns 0 if it succeeds.
Returns -1 if one of the following happens:
the session has already been created automatically.
the BeginSession function is called more than one time when the session is still valid.
the session is invalid because it has timed out or the Web APIs has re-started.
the current application is not an installable cloud app deployed with PowerServer.
Returns one of the following numbers if an error occurs:
220 -- General session error.
222 -- Cannot connect with the server when creating the session.
230 -- License errors.
240 -- Unauthorized.
Long ll_Return String ls_TokenType, ls_AccessToken, ls_Json JsonParser ljson_Parser ljson_Parser = Create JsonParser ls_Json = '{' +& ' "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjM4OEQ0NEIxRDdBNkVFOUQxNTU0MDAzQUMzM0QzQzkzIiwidHlwIjoiYXQrand0In0.eyJuYmYiOjE2MTI0MDIxODUsImV4cCI6MTYxMjQwMjM2NSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NTAwMSIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IllvdXJDbGllbnRJZFRoYXRDYW5Pbmx5UmVhZCIsInN1YiI6IlBBTkdDSFVHVUFOIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjEyNDAyMTg1LCJpZHAiOiJsb2NhbCIsImp0aSI6IjFDNEQ4NEFBODU0REYxODMwQkVGQTAwQTFBMjdFMDk0IiwiaWF0IjoxNjEyNDAyMTg1LCJzY29wZSI6WyJzY29wZS5yZWFkYWNjZXNzIl0sImFtciI6WyJjdXN0b20iXX0.DbJsip696O1HlTFjAmayohhHGEcjIQxJM7JICi9ho5MAv2Av4YjQOGgXrCNFhwqG4AFTf3hHwufGYXxzXI8tCYfn3F3ro36dd-0h_A-__5sBelZD0vr6nmWh8Uy-zoJenzsrnVEv8VHVNi2enuKH6SBe-Q59bn5A-Gbg6viNjv0S5HIaKuWeawExBH6uEAu28RlSlfG2bwWuCsyhYWOPIhNhYcZTbVD8ks0SFodGeGS-ZqNOVrOTKb9oqnhvYxnuNofJpjToZ8ZZdKyWiyJUhItpTQTyI3MsCHoVU4X101YTPrVMF_-OuPSwXm6QMl3QtI_6Hy_PeYHL-xz2-q3tog",' +& ' "expires_in": 3600,' +& ' "token_type": "Bearer",' +& ' "scope": "scope.readaccess"' +& '}' ljson_Parser.LoadString( ls_Json ) ls_TokenType = ljson_Parser.GetItemString( "/token_type" ) ls_AccessToken = ljson_Parser.GetItemString( "/access_token" ) ll_Return = Getapplication().SetHttpRequestHeader( "Authorization", ls_TokenType + " " + ls_AccessToken, True ) Try ll_return = Getapplication().Beginsession() If ll_return <> 0 Then Messagebox("Beginsession Failed: " + String(ll_return), Getapplication().GetHttpResponseStatusText()) End if Catch ( Throwable ex) MessageBox( "Throwable", ex.GetMessage()) End Try If IsValid ( ljson_Parser ) Then Destroy ( ljson_Parser )
See also