Sets the HTTP request header. This function is only used for PowerServer and the request header that is set using this function is used only when PowerServer API calls are being made.
Applies to
applicationname.SetHttpRequestHeader ( string headerName, string headerValue{, Boolean replace } )
Argument |
Description |
applicationname |
The name of the application object in which you want to set the request header. |
headerName |
A string whose value is the header name. |
headerValue |
A string whose value is the header value. |
replace (optional) |
A boolean determines whether to replace the current existing request value if the same header name already exists.
Note: use this argument cautiously 1) TRUE is recommended when you specify the charset in the "Content-Type" header, because no more than one charset is allowed; 2) FALSE is recommended when cookie is used. |
Return value
Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs or if the current application is not an installable cloud app deployed with PowerServer. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
The following code example sets the access token in the HTTP request header:
Long ll_Return String ls_TokenType, ls_AccessToken, ls_Json JsonParser ljson_Parser ljson_Parser = Create JsonParser ls_Json = '{' +& ' "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjM4OEQ0NEIxRDdBNkVFOUQxNTU0MDAzQUMzM0QzQzkzIiwidHlwIjoiYXQrand0In0.eyJuYmYiOjE2MTI0MDIxODUsImV4cCI6MTYxMjQwMjM2NSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NTAwMSIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IllvdXJDbGllbnRJZFRoYXRDYW5Pbmx5UmVhZCIsInN1YiI6IlBBTkdDSFVHVUFOIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjEyNDAyMTg1LCJpZHAiOiJsb2NhbCIsImp0aSI6IjFDNEQ4NEFBODU0REYxODMwQkVGQTAwQTFBMjdFMDk0IiwiaWF0IjoxNjEyNDAyMTg1LCJzY29wZSI6WyJzY29wZS5yZWFkYWNjZXNzIl0sImFtciI6WyJjdXN0b20iXX0.DbJsip696O1HlTFjAmayohhHGEcjIQxJM7JICi9ho5MAv2Av4YjQOGgXrCNFhwqG4AFTf3hHwufGYXxzXI8tCYfn3F3ro36dd-0h_A-__5sBelZD0vr6nmWh8Uy-zoJenzsrnVEv8VHVNi2enuKH6SBe-Q59bn5A-Gbg6viNjv0S5HIaKuWeawExBH6uEAu28RlSlfG2bwWuCsyhYWOPIhNhYcZTbVD8ks0SFodGeGS-ZqNOVrOTKb9oqnhvYxnuNofJpjToZ8ZZdKyWiyJUhItpTQTyI3MsCHoVU4X101YTPrVMF_-OuPSwXm6QMl3QtI_6Hy_PeYHL-xz2-q3tog",' +& ' "expires_in": 3600,' +& ' "token_type": "Bearer",' +& ' "scope": "scope.readaccess"' +& '}' ljson_Parser.LoadString( ls_Json ) ls_TokenType = ljson_Parser.GetItemString( "/token_type" ) ls_AccessToken = ljson_Parser.GetItemString( "/access_token" ) ll_Return = Getapplication().SetHttpRequestHeader( "Authorization", ls_TokenType + " " + ls_AccessToken, True ) If IsValid ( ljson_Parser ) Then Destroy ( ljson_Parser )
The following code example sets the cookie in the HTTP request header:
Notice that you can only set the cookie name and cookie value in the key-value pairs (for example, "key1=value1; key2=value2"), and cannot set the other properties such as Domain, Expires etc.
GetApplication().SetHttpRequestHeader ("cookie", "appcookie=test_cookie;PSTM=1634527936;")
See also