Inserts a table in the RichTextEdit control.
Applies to
long rtename.TableInsert(long rows, long columns)
long rtename.TableInsert(long rows, long columns, long textPos)
Argument |
Description |
rows | The number of rows to add in the new table. |
column | The number of columns to add in the new table. |
textPos | The position to insert the new table, which will be the character index (starting at 1) of the first character of the table cell in the RichTextEdit control. If there are new line characters in the content, each new line character is counted as one character too. If the RichTextEdit control contains header and footer, the character indexes of the header, footer and main content are accumulated separately. By default, textPos is -1, meaning to insert the new table at the current text input position. |
Return value
Returns the ID of the table if the table is inserted successfully.
Returns 0 if an error has occurred or the table could not be inserted. Note that tables cannot be inserted when some text has been selected.
Returns -1 if the new table has been inserted at the top or at the bottom of an existing table. In this case the new table is combined with the existing table.
Returns null if any argument is null.
The following example inserts a table:
long ll_rtn ll_rtn = rte_1.TableInsert(3,4)
The following example inserts a table at the specified position:
long ll_rtn ll_rtn = rte_1.TableInsert(3,4,-1)