Specifies the image that the current PDFRichText object shall wrap around.
Applies to
WrapImage(PDFImage image)
Return value
Long. Returns 1 if it succeeds, or -1 if it fails. For more errors, see the Error Codes.
PDFRichText can wrap around one or more images that are already added into the current PDF page. However, if a page has two images with the same name, the PDFRichText object can only wrap around the first image, and will ignore the existence of the second image (as the result ,the second image may be overlaid by the text).
This example adds an image, and a PDFRichText object to a PDFPage, and sets the wrapping of the PDFRichText object around the image:
PDFdocument lpdf_doc PDFpage lpdf_page PDFrichtext lpdf_rtext PDFimage lpdf_image lpdf_image = create PDFimage lpdf_doc = create PDFdocument lpdf_page = create PDFpage lpdf_rtext = create PDFrichtext string ssText integer fhandle; long fileLen; long readSize lpdf_rtext.width = lpdf_page.getwidth( ) lpdf_image.filename = "import\image1\1.jpg" lpdf_image.setposition(50, 50) lpdf_image.setsize( 200, 200) //Read the text file in the current directory fileLen = FileLength64("testdocument.txt") fhandle = fileopen("testdocument.txt", textMode! ) blob readByte readSize = fileReadEx(fhandle, readByte, fileLen) ssText = string(readByte) fileclose(fhandle) //Add text content to the PDFRichText and image to the PDFPage lpdf_rtext.addtextblock( ssText) lpdf_page.AddContent( lpdf_image) lpdf_rtext.wrapimage( lpdf_image) lpdf_page.addcontent( lpdf_rtext) //Get the count of the wrapped images messagebox("The return value shall be 1", lpdf_rtext.getwrapimagecount( )) lpdf_doc.addpage( lpdf_page)"D:\save\addwrapimage1.pdf")
See also