PBSELECT retrieve error

Sample PBSELECT script:

retrieve="PBSELECT( VERSION(400) TABLE(NAME=~"dec_emp~" )

PBSELECT may easily cause errors. When the SQLPreview event (executed at the client side) converts the PBSELECT to the SELECT syntax, the event may cause the client crash or arrive at incorrect SQL syntax (the syntax relies on the DisableBind and/or DelimitIdentifier settings in DBParm).

If PBSELECT contains outer joins of multiple tables, there may be unknown errors when it is converted to SELECT, and such error cannot be identified by Fiddler because there is no communication from the client to the server.

Debugging technique:

Check in Fiddler whether a connect has occurred, and whether the connection is successful.

If there is no connection and the app has crashed, the issue may be caused by PBSELECT. To avoid the problem, change PBSELECT to a SELECT statement in the application source code, and then deploy the application again.