Installation Guide for Appeon for PowerBuilder

Appeon® for PowerBuilder® 2016


DOCUMENT ID: ADC20237-01-0700-01

LAST REVISED: March 16, 2017

Copyright © 2000-2016 by Appeon Limited. All rights reserved.

This publication pertains to Appeon software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Appeon Limited.

Appeon, the Appeon logo, Appeon Developer, Appeon Enterprise Manager, AEM, Appeon Server and Appeon Server Web Component are registered trademarks of Appeon Limited.

SAP, Sybase, Adaptive Server Anywhere, SQL Anywhere, Adaptive Server Enterprise, iAnywhere, PowerBuilder, Sybase Central, and Sybase jConnect for JDBC are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP and SAP affiliate company.

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All other company and product names used herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Appeon Limited, 1/F, Shell Industrial Building, 12 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan District, Hong Kong.

Table of Contents

Installation Guide for .NET
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server and Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Help installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for remote Web servers only)
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for remote Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for JBoss/WildFly Windows
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server using JBoss/WildFly Web Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Help installation
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WildFly or JBoss EAP Management Interface
Stopping Appeon Server
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for JBoss/WildFly Unix\Linux
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Remote Appeon Server using JBoss/WildFly Web Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Upgrade Installation
Upgrading Appeon Server
Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WildFly or JBoss EAP Management Interface
Stopping Appeon Server
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Installation Guide for WebLogic Windows
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server using WebLogic HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Help installation
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WebLogic Server Administration Console
Stopping Appeon Server
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for WebLogic Unix\Linux
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Remote Appeon Server using WebLogic HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon upgrade installation
Upgrading Appeon Server
Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WebLogic Server Administrative Console
Stopping Appeon Server
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Installation Guide for WebSphere Windows
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server using WebSphere HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Help installation
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console
Stopping Appeon Server
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for WebSphere Unix\Linux
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Remote Appeon Server using WebSphere HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Upgrade Installation
Upgrading Appeon Server
Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console
Stopping Appeon Server
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Installation Guide for JEUS Windows
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server using JEUS HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Help installation
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to JEUS Web Manager
Stopping Appeon Server
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for JEUS Unix\Linux
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Remote Appeon Server using JEUS HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Upgrade Installation
Upgrading Appeon Server
Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Starting Appeon Server
Logging in to JEUS Web Manager
Stopping Appeon Server
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Installation Guide for EAServer Windows
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Appeon Developer requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Developer PC
Remote Appeon Server using EAServer HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Starting the installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Developer installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon Help installation
Appeon upgrade installation
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Upgrade configuration settings manually
Troubleshoot Appeon installation problems
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Developer
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling EAServer that is installed with Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Uninstalling Appeon Help
Installation Guide for EAServer Unix\Linux
System architecture
Appeon editions
Appeon components
Appeon Developer
Appeon Server
Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Workspace (for Appeon Mobile only)
Appeon Help
Installation Requirements
Client requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
Appeon Server requirements
Software requirements
Hardware requirements
(Optional) Third-party Web Server requirements
Database Server requirements
Offline synchronization requirements
Client Database requirements
Synchronization Server requirements
Server Database requirements
Installing Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Installation scenarios
Remote Appeon Server using EAServer HTTP Server
Remote Appeon Server using a third-party Web server
Appeon Server Cluster
Two installation methods
Appeon new installation
Appeon Server installation
Appeon Server Web Component installation (for third-party Web servers only)
Appeon upgrade installation
Upgrading Appeon Server
Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component
Starting/Stopping Appeon Server
Configuring Appeon Server Cluster
Post-Installation Configuration Tasks
Configuration for Web client PC
Verifying Web browser settings
Logging in as administrator or normal user
System language settings
Uninstalling Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016
Uninstalling Appeon Server
Uninstalling EAServer 6.3 that is installed with Appeon Server
Uninstalling Appeon Server Web Component (for third-party Web servers only)
Silent Installation Guide on Windows
Silent Installation Guide
Appeon Server Silent Installation
Configuring silent installation for Appeon Server
Running silent installation for Appeon Server
Appeon Developer Silent Installation
Configuring silent installation for Appeon Developer
Running silent installation for Appeon Developer
Appeon Server Web Component Silent Installation
Configuring silent installation for Appeon Server Web Component
Running silent installation for Appeon Server Web Component
Appeon Help Silent Installation
Configuring silent installation for Appeon Help
Running silent installation for Appeon Help