Upgrading to Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016

Upgrading Appeon Server

Step 1: Launch the Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016 Setup program and select to install Appeon Server for EAServer (see Starting the installation).

Step 2: Click the OK button in the Confirm Upgrade message box.

Figure 38. Confirm upgrade

Confirm upgrade

When the OK button is clicked, a message box opens indicating that the upgrade is preparing files.

Figure 39. Setup is preparing files

Setup is preparing files

Before the upgrade process starts, if the setup program detects that the EAServer service is running, a warning message will pop up reminding you to terminate it, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 40. Warning message

Warning message

The upgrade process uninstalls the old version of Appeon Server, backs up configurations and begins the installation of Appeon Server based on the backup information. This will take several minutes.

Step 3: When setup is complete, choose whether to Start Appeon Server. It is selected by default. To manually start Appeon Server from the Windows shortcut later, uncheck the box. Click the Finish button.

Figure 41. Appeon for PowerBuilder Setup Complete

Appeon for PowerBuilder Setup Complete

EAServer will start if Start Appeon Server is checked and you click Finish.

Figure 42. More information

More information

Upgrading Appeon Developer

Step 1: Launch the Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016 Setup program and select to install Appeon Developer (see Starting the installation).

Step 2: Click the Yes button in the Confirm Upgrade message box.

Figure 43. Confirm upgrade

Confirm upgrade

Once you click the Yes button, a message box opens indicating that Setup is preparing files.

Figure 44. Setup is preparing files

Setup is preparing files

The upgrade process uninstalls the old version of Appeon Developer, backs up configurations then begins the installation of Appeon Developer based on the backup information. This will take several minutes.

Wait until the upgrade is complete.

Step 3: Click the Finish button.

Upgrading Appeon Server Web Component

Step 1: Launch the Appeon for PowerBuilder 2016 Setup program and select to install Appeon Server Web Component (see Starting the installation).

Step 2: Click the Yes button in the Confirm Upgrade message box.

Figure 45. Confirm upgrade

Confirm upgrade

Once you click the Yes button, a message box opens indicating that Setup is preparing files.

Figure 46. Setup is preparing files

Setup is preparing files

The upgrade process uninstalls the old version of Appeon Server Web Component then begins the installation of Appeon Server Web Component. This will take several minutes.

Wait until the upgrade is complete.

Step 3: Click the Finish button.