Appeon Server installation

To install Appeon Server on the Unix\Linux platform, you will go through the same installation process as that used for the Windows platform. The only difference is, with the Unix\Linux platform, you will complete the installation process in command line mode, instead of using graphical user interfaces.

Step 1: Verify that WildFly or JBoss EAP, as well as any other programs you may be running, is stopped.

Step 2: Open the Appeon4JBoss folder from the Appeon setup program and run the file using the command below:



  1. If you copy the Appeon setup program to the computer before installation, make sure that the directory does not contain special characters or spaces.

  2. When you input the command, please be aware that file names and directory names are case sensitive.

The welcome message is displayed, which indicates that the installation process has started. Follow the step-by-step prompts to install Appeon Server.

Step 3: Press Enter or input Next to proceed.

Step 1. Welcome Message


 Welcome to Appeon Server 2016 for JBoss installation!


 Press Enter to start the installation [Exit][Next]>

You can also input n, N, next or Next to indicate Next, p, P, previous, or Previous to indicate Previous, and e, E, exit or Exit to indicate Exit. Notice that the input is case sensitive.

Step 4: Specify a proper JDK to be used during the setup progress: WildFly requires JDK 1.8, and JBoss EAP requires JDK 1.6 or above. The setup program will check whether the JAVA_HOME variable exists and whether it points to a valid JDK. If it is valid, the JDK path will be automatically displayed as below; if it is not valid, please set a valid JDK location.

 Step 2. Set JDK path

 WildFly requires JDK 1.8; and JBoss EAP requires JDK 1.6 or above.


 JDK path is (e.g."/home/jdk1.8.0_60")

 Press Enter to continue [Exit][Next]>

Step 5: According to the license you purchase, select the Product Type.

 Step 3. Please choose Product Type


 1. Appeon Web
 2. Appeon Mobile
 3. Appeon Web and Appeon Mobile
 4. Appeon Universal

 Please select a number to continue OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

Step 6: Enter the Product Key that is shipped with the product.

Step 4. Product Key for Appeon Universal


 The format of the product key provided by Appeon should be XXXX-XXXX
 -XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. All characters should be capitalized.


 Please input the product key or [Exit][Previous]>

Step 7: Specify the home directory of WildFly or JBoss EAP as the Appeon Server installation directory, for example, /home/appeon/wildfly-10.0.0.Final.

 Step 5. Install Directory 
 Please input the home directory of JBoss/WildFly server you want to install Appeon Server 2016 
 (e.g. .../wildfly-10.0.0.Final) or [Exit][Previous]>

 The Appeon Server 2016 will be installed in //home/appeon/wildfly-10.0.0.Final

Step 8: Choose a JBoss/WildFly server instance where the Appeon Server EAR package (appeonserver.ear) will be deployed.

 Step 6. Choose JBoss Instance

 Appeon detects the following JBoss server instances::


 Please input an instance name to continue OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

Step 9: Confirm the setup settings.

 Step 7. Confirm Information


                Confirm the installation

  The product type is "Appeon Universal"
  The product key for Appeon Universal is "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
  The installation directory is "/home/AppServer/wildfly-10.0.0.Final"
  The instance name is "standalone"

  AEM Console:
     Username: admin
     Password: admin

  The installer will start installing the files on your system.
  Go back if you want to change any settings for the installation.


 Please select an option to continue[Exit][Previous][Next]>

Press Enter to begin copying the required files or input p or Previous to modify the setup settings.

Step 10: When the installation is complete, choose whether to start Appeon Server.


 Congratulations! The installation has been successfully completed.


 Start Appeon Server

 Do you want to start the Appeon Server now? [Yes|No]>

To start Appeon Server immediately input y. To start it later input n. Refer to Starting/Stopping Appeon Server for how to manually start Appeon Server using commands.