Table of Contents
- How to use Visual Studio to debug a C/C++ dynamic library called by a PowerBuilder 2019 application
- PFC Print Range selection is disabled
- Cannot insert an ActiveX in a tabpage control
- PowerBuilder IDE crashes when trying to insert an OLE control
- PowerBuilder RichText Control WordWrap property is not working
- Cannot change bookmarks in MS Word 2013 document
- Error calling external object function of an oleobject
- Calls to custom built C++ DLLs results in error inside IDE
- PowerClient/PowerServer application is started twice in Chrome/Edge version 98
- Microsoft Web Browser OLE control and JavaScript errors
- How to solve the error ‘HTTP Error 502.2 - Bad Gateway’ or ‘HTTP Error 404.2 – Not Found’ when downloading CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe
- Remove stored commandline arguments from PowerClient/PowerServer application
- OLE Control failed to run when compiled as 64-bit application
- Third-party tool UFT cannot get the PBName property on an object
- Error calling Word OLE