When executing an UpdateBlob on a proxy table, no data is written in the database.
PowerBuilder Database ASE 15.0
Reproducing the Issue
1. Connect PowerBuilder to an ASE database DB1
2. On a second database DB2, create a table blobtable with columns
(id numeric(18,0) identity, description varchar(128) not null, xblob text null)
3. Create a link from DB1 to DB2
4. From PowerBuilder, insert in blobtable a new row ( 1, "First Row")
5. Now put a blob in column xblob using:
UPDATEBLOB blobtable SET xblob = :lb WHERE id = 1; commit; MessageBox ("UpdateBlob returns :", Sqlca.SqlErrText)
The error "NULL textptr passed to WRITETEXT function." is displayed.
This problem is due to the fact that the blob column is null after inserting a new row. If the column is not null, UpdateBlob works fine with a proxy table.
Before updating the blob column, initialize the blob column with an empty string:
UPDATE blobtable SET xblob = '' WHERE id = :ll_id ; commit;