Appeon PowerBuilder® 2022 R3
DOCUMENT ID: DC37776-01-1900-01
LAST REVISED: January 08, 2024
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Table of Contents
- Installation
- PowerBuilder/InfoMaker Installer fails to download files
- What to do if PowerBuilder/InfoMaker installer is blocked by anti-virus software?
- DLLs fail to register when upgraded from PB 2017 R3 Build 1880 to Build 1915
- Failed to install the updated Appeon Installer
- How to download offline installer
- How to install an older version
- Failed to create the Appeon PB installation log file
- License
- DataWindow
- The event GetFocus is not triggered in DataWindows controls if their tab-order is set to 0
- Retrieving a DataWindow using stored procedure causing 'String data, right truncation' error
- How to add a URL link to a column in a DataWindow
- Background Color doesn't display in composite DataWindow if using an expression in the detail band
- How to display Date and Time columns using the Windows Regional Settings
- Failed to SaveAs Excel 12 when there is any empty row in the DataWindow
- Autosize Width of Grid DataWindow columns does not work
- DataWindow 'like' filter does not work if it is not placed last in the list of filters or within parenthesis
- Accessibility causes slow performance or crash to the application
- DataWindow hangs temporarily after retrieve
- Row changed between retrieve and update
- Rows lost after deletion when HSplitScroll property is enabled
- DataWindow recovery from an unexpected transaction disconnect PB
- PowerBuilder appears to hang when using older rich-text templates with input fields
- DataWindow data are corrupted when original buffer is assigned to current buffer
- Adding retrieval argument causes "Column 2 has an invalid name and/or length" error
- Stored procedure fails or crashes the application after upgrading to PowerBuilder 2017
- Common solution for DataWindow UI error
- PowerBuilder Object Browser is not displaying
- PowerBuilder crashing when opening workspace on startup
- Initialization file is not writable error when starting PowerBuilder
- Breakpoints or QuickWatch variables in the PowerBuilder debugger are not being saved from session to session
- Unable to create or open project
- How to add a library to the application project
- Failed to add files to Git repository
- Opening objects in PowerBuilder 2017 R2 is slow
- Create authentication credentials for Git on VSTS
- Icon not found on executable or window while compiling with OrcaScript or standalone PBC
- Connect to an existing local Git/SVN repository with PowerBuilder IDE
- PowerBuilder IDE crashes on startup
- Source control system missing
- Printing PDFs using Acrobat Reader
- Failed to add code to the repository of the Bonobo Git Server with Add to Source Control from PowerBuilder IDE
- IDE Crash while editing a special DataWindow
- PB IDE fails to run and shows error "Initialization file is not writable. Cannot continue."
- Text in PowerBuilder IDE loses high definition when zoomed above 100% Zoom
- Connect to Bitbucket using an app password
- PowerBuilder Runtime Packager 2017 R3 fails
- IDE Crash while full building a newly upgraded application
- Could not find resource file
- PowerScripts
- The Round function with a double argument does not consistently round correctly
- PostURL() of the Inet object sometimes returning -6
- How to get the X and Y coordinates of a Grid DataWindow row?
- The Ascending property on the SORT gets lost
- PowerObject array values in a structure being overwritten
- PowerClient/PowerServer applications crash when multiple instances are run in PowerBuilder 2021 build 1506
- GlobalMemoryStatus returns 0 on 64-bit operating system
- The RegistryGet() function doesn't work on Windows 7
- Updating contents of blob
- PowerBuilder using ADO.NET causing System.InvalidOperationException: This SQLTransaction has completed, it is no longer usable
- Calling a Stored Procedure in PowerBuilder results in 'Invalid character value for cast specification' error
- The IsNumber function returns the incorrect
- SelectedText() returning empty string for DropDownListBox
- The result of dividing LongLong data by a number is incorrect
- Application containing PFC crashes after being upgraded from Sybase PowerBuilder to PowerBuilder 2017 R3 or later
- SelectBlob is truncated when the embedded SQL statement exceeds 512 characters
- The external API function returns garbled characters
- Printing fails and the application does not respond
- Control & UI
- Objects & Controls
- Call SOAP Web Service using HTTPClient object
- How to use the PBDOM object to build the XML content required for SOAP WebService and parse an XML document
- Call WCF Services using HTTPClient or RESTClient objects
- How to use HTTPClient or RESTClient to call an API with basic authentication
- How to change the maximum URL length supported in the web request sent by HTTPClient/RESTClient
- Sending a request through HTTPClient or RESTClient with a special character results in an error
- HttpClient is not working on some machine in the same network
- PBDOM Element.GetChildElement(name) returns null
- Unresolvable external pbdom_document
- Using RichTextEdit TextFieldSetTypeAndData to specify an internal link
- PBC/ORCA/PBAutoBuild
- PowerBuilder crash when building large/complex targets generated by ORCAScript
- How to solve the crash when executing the ORCA script
- PBAutoBuild execution shows Error: There is no IDE version or Runtime version in the file
- PBAutoBuild execution shows Error: Invalid executable file name
- Compilation with PBAutoBuild is slower than compilation in IDE
- Performance
- Workarounds & Solutions
- What do I need to deploy a 64-bit executable
- Window Events trigger in different order if WindowState = Maximized!
- Upgrade a source-control workspace from PowerBuilder 2017 R2 to PowerBuilder 2017 R3
- Columns won't display when using PostGreSQL database to create DataWindow
- Opening a RichTextEdit control over terminal services is slow
- Solution for appeon_workarounds.pbl not resizing the RibbonBar and WebBrowser controls
- How to disable mouse click on checkbox for each treeview item
- How to determine a mapped network drive path within a PowerBuilder application
- Wrong result when assigning a handle to an any variable
- PowerBuilder application execution error (R0108) Not enough memory to execute the operation
- Database
- Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19.0.0 for SQL Server is not working
- How to solve "ERROR: column p.adsrc does not exist" with PostgreSQL
- Getting a SQLSTATE=21000 error when running SQL using the OLEDB database driver
- SQL Server Text DataType issue with SNC driver
- DBMS ASE is not supported in your current installation
- PB odbc connecting to mssql maps date and datetime2 to char(10)
- ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position
- Executing Informix Stored Procedure results in "Numeric value out of range" error message
- StripParmNames='Yes' is not working when PBNewSPInvocation='Yes' is used in the DBparm
- Oracle Library OCI.DLL could not be loaded
- DB2 CHAR to VARCHAR conversion error
- PowerBuilder calling a db2 stored procedure results in a sqlstate=38503 SQL1131N error
- How to set the isolation level with the SNC native database interface
- Deployed PowerBuilder application executable cannot connect to the database
- Upgraded to Windows 7 and Oracle tables are not visible in the PowerBuilder database painter
- UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT
- PowerBuilder pipeline issue connected to Oracle 11g using the O10 Oracle10g (10.1.0) DB interface
- Informix Dynamic SQL Format 2 returning -201: A syntax error has occurred
- DB2 INSERT to nullable column with default results in Assignment of a NULL value to a NOT NULL column error
- PowerBuilder and Informix ODBC connection
- PowerBuilder support for ASE 16
- UpdateBlob not working on proxy tables
- Calling Oracle stored procedures and functions
- Adaptive Server Enterprise data truncated using roman8 charset
- DB2 CHAR to VARCHAR conversion error
- How to change the password of the ASE database when PowerBuilder is running
- How to map data pipeline source columns to destination columns
- NativePDF
- Third-party Software
- How to use Visual Studio to debug a C/C++ dynamic library called by a PowerBuilder 2019 application
- PFC Print Range selection is disabled
- Cannot insert an ActiveX in a tabpage control
- PowerBuilder IDE crashes when trying to insert an OLE control
- PowerBuilder RichText Control WordWrap property is not working
- Cannot change bookmarks in MS Word 2013 document
- Error calling external object function of an oleobject
- Calls to custom built C++ DLLs results in error inside IDE
- PowerClient/PowerServer application is started twice in Chrome/Edge version 98
- Microsoft Web Browser OLE control and JavaScript errors
- How to solve the error ‘HTTP Error 502.2 - Bad Gateway’ or ‘HTTP Error 404.2 – Not Found’ when downloading CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe
- Remove stored commandline arguments from PowerClient/PowerServer application
- OLE Control failed to run when compiled as 64-bit application
- Third-party tool UFT cannot get the PBName property on an object
- Error calling Word OLE
- Others
- How to examine and fix corrupted machine system files
- TabBackColor not working
- Unresolvable external nv_message when linking reference
- Crash when using large String or Blob
- Sheet Menu Print is printing application background
- Error 'The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.'
- Compilation fails using a PowerBuilder PBR
- Pbjvm190.dll failed to register
- webservice response contains s:type attributes
- Dialogs won't appear after update KB3057839
- Black screen in Citrix with PowerBuilder 2017
- PBVM190.DLL is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error
- PowerBuilder application crashes when its GDI Objects or User Objects exceed the limit