The result of dividing LongLong data by a number is incorrect


The result of dividing LongLong data by a number is incorrect. For example:

longLong x, y
x = 7129750713734852035 // LongLong-Value with 19 digits
y = x / 16 // y gets the value of 445609419608428224, which is wrong, the correct result should be 445609419608428252

Not all data of the LongLong type have this problem. If you divide 9223372036854775807 by 16, the result is correct.


PowerBuilder 2017 R3 or later


This is a Sybase legacy issue, possibly related to algorithm accuracy.


Use the DEC type instead of the LongLong type:

Dec x, y
x = 7129750713734852035
y = x / 16